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Stop using lamivudine and call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as.

Lactic acid buildup in the blood (lactic acidosis) and sometimes epivir-hbv price liver disease have occurred with the use of lamivudine-HBV.used both alone and in combination with other drugs for treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

HIV/AIDS is usually treated with a combination of drugs. Use all medications as directed by your doctor. Read the instructions provided with each medication. Do not change your doses or medication schedule without your doctor’s advice. Every person with HIV or Epivir-hbv price should remain under the care of a doctor.

Measure liquid medicine with the dosing syringe provided.or with a special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup. If you do not have a dose-measuring device.ask your pharmacist for one.

Lamivudine-HBV is used to treat hepatitis B infection. It is not a cure for hepatitis B and does not prevent the passing of hepatitis B to others. This medication is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) that works by slowing the growth of the virus.thereby decreasing liver damage caused by the virus.

rapid heart rate.feeling anxious or irritable.weakness or prickly feeling.problems with balance or eye movement.

The effects of renal impairment on lamivudine pharmacokinetics in pediatric patients are not known.

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study 2 was a randomized, double-blind, 3-arm study that compared epivir-hbv 25 mg once daily versus epivir-hbv 100 mg once daily versus placebo for 52 weeks in asian patients.


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