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treatment for hepatitis C that did not work for you serious allergic reactions to Copegus or to any of the ingredients in Copegus. See the end of this Medication Copegus 400 mg price for a list of ingredients. breathing problems. Copegus may cause or worsen your breathing problems you already have. vision problems. Copegus may cause eye problems or worsen eye problems you already have. You should have an eye exam before you start treatment with Copegus. certain blood disorders such as anemia high blood pressure.heart problems or have had a heart attack. Your healthcare provider should test your blood and heart before you start treatment with Copegus. thyroid problems diabetes. Copegus and PEGASYS combination therapy may make your diabetes worse or harder to treat. liver problems other than hepatitis C virus infection human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other immunity problems mental health problems.including depression or thoughts of suicide kidney problems an organ transplant drug addiction or abuse infection with hepatitis B virus any other medical condition are breast feeding. It is not known if Copegus passes into your breast milk. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take Copegus or breast-feed.

Patients with certain types of heart disease should not use ribavirin because it can lower your red blood cell level (anemia). This may worsen your condition and can lead to a possibly fatal heart attack. Before using this medication.tell your doctor if you have had any heart problems or chest pain.

Ribavirin should be avoided among patients who have severe kidney disease and have lost most of their kidneys’ function.

treatment for hepatitis C that did not work for you serious allergic reactions to Copegus or to any of the ingredients in Copegus. See the end of this Medication Guide for a list of ingredients. breathing problems. Copegus may cause or worsen your breathing problems you already have. vision problems. Copegus may cause eye problems or worsen eye problems you already have. You should have an eye exam before you start treatment with Copegus. certain blood disorders such as anemia high blood pressure.heart problems or have had a heart attack. Your healthcare provider should test your blood and heart before you start treatment with Copegus. thyroid problems diabetes. Copegus and PEGASYS combination therapy may make your diabetes worse or harder to treat. liver problems other than hepatitis C virus infection human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other copegus 400 mg price problems mental health problems.including depression or thoughts of suicide kidney problems an organ transplant drug addiction or abuse infection with hepatitis B virus any other copegus 400 mg price condition are breast feeding. It is not known if Copegus 400 mg price passes into your breast milk. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take Copegus or breast-feed.

Patients should be advised not to drink alcohol.as alcohol may exacerbate chronic hepatitis C infection.

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