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Patients 24 years of age or younger may experience suicidal thoughts when they first take remeron or any other antidepressant.

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Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you start using mirtazapine and each time you get a refill because new information may be available. If you have any questions regarding the information.consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Tell your doctor about all medicines you use.and those you start or stop using during your treatment with Remeron.especially.

Tell the doctor right away if you notice worsening depression/other psychiatric conditions.unusual behavior changes (including possible suicidal thoughts/attempts).or other mental/mood changes (including new/worsening anxiety.panic attacks.trouble sleeping.irritability.hostile/angry feelings.impulsive actions.severe restlessness.very rapid speech). Be especially watchful for these symptoms when a new antidepressant is started or when the dose is changed.

It is important to emphasize that.although the events reported occurred during treatment with REMERON.they were not necessarily caused by it.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines that you take.including prescription and non-prescription medicines.vitamins.and herbal supplements. Remeron and some medicines may interact with each other.may not work as well.or may cause serious side effects.

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in an 8-week-long pediatric clinical trial of doses between 15 to 45 mg day, 49 of remeron-treated patients had a weight gain of at least 7 , compared to 5.


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